Armchair Traveling

Hidey Ho Neighbors! I hope your Thursday shaped up to be a marvel! Today means its the end of the workweek for me as I am off on Friday’s. Woohoo. Fridays are usually an extra workday for me making cakes and sewing. We have to put in the work to be able to enjoy our down time, so I try to think of it as a blessing. And aren’t we so blessed! Putting in all the hours have allowed my husband and I to go on vacation 2 times per year and do a few weekend get aways. Now when I say vacation, I mean here in the Unites States and withing driving distance. We typically visit Hilton Head (which is my most favorite place) for our weeks away and try some quick get aways for our weekend excursions. Confession:::: I don’t get on a plane. I’ve never flown in my life. I’m a big scaredy cat. I also don’t do boats so not cruises for me. I’m scared to death of deep water. I do not know how to swim. And I know what you’re saying. “Didn’t you take swimming lessons”? Yep, three times. As the last swim instructor said to my daddy “you can’t teach someone to swim if she won’t take her feet off of the bottom”. So that’s me. Little miss “no water above the knees but loves to be in a hot tub or go to the ocean” lol.

I will admit that my fear of flying, and water has hindered my ability to enjoy this beautiful earth. It’s not good and I realize that. My siblings will hop on a plane and go anywhere. No biggie. In fact, they would rather fly than drive when traveling. They are brave. They are fierce. I am a pansey. I literally feel like I would have to be in a similar situation as Mr. T to get on a plane. Drug me up and carry me on. My son is now 21 years old, and I’ve often thought what I would do if he moved far away. This has happened to so many of my friends. Their children live all over. It brings me anxiety to think about it but, it would one scenario that I would be airborne. I would be in the airport bar for about 3 hours prior to boarding and someone might have to carry me on to that plane but, I would do it to see my son. Thankfully he is a “feet on the ground” kind of guy too. And he’s happy right here in this town with his family.

Here’s a little story about an opportunity and a fear. Several years ago I worked in a dental practice here in our area. I worked there for over 12 years and the office became my extended family. I still have a realtionship with the dentist today. I worked with a beautiful old soul named Bernadette . Just the name should give you an image of a sophisticated eclectic soul. And she certainly was. She was in her mid to upper 70’s and she had no intention of retiring (she since has and is still living today). Bernadette was an imigrant from France. Paris to be exact. She was one of those whirlwind love stories of girl meets soldier, falls in love, and moves to the US to start her life. She left behind her entire family. She birthed a daughter here and became a citizen. She then bagan working as a dental assistant and the rest is history. She became my great friend, confidant, and my work partner. We leaned on one another. Her accent was so strong that many times I would have to ask her to repeat what she said. Sometimes, I admit, I had her to repeat it just so that I could here her talk. We spent many lunch hours with her telling me stories of France and her home. Our dentist (boss) was a captain in the Navy and each year was gone for a 2 week furlow and we would close the office. She would travel back to France and typically stayed an entire month. The last year that she and I worked together (she retired), she offered for me to come with her and stay in France for a week. All expense paid. flight paid for and staying with her family. All I would have had to pay were for my meals and any souvenirs that I purchased. The woman had frequent flyer miles coming out of her ears. Yes, I declined. Due to my fear of flying. Ugh. I’m a complete idiot.

In the years that have passed since my invitation I realize how silly I was. Silly or not I still won’t do it. My husband and I often talk about where we would go if we “went”. His dream would be to visit Scottland. It’s his heritage. And he would love it. I guess it’s what we call our bucket list of travels (which will never get emptied). I myself, would venture 2 places. The first I can drive to as it is in the US. I would probably never as its 14 hours away. I have always wanted to go to Boston. Sounds crazy huh? A southern country gal wanting to go to Boston. I had a coworker from there and I lived that dream through him. My favorite television show of all time is “Cheers”. The bars (actually both bars) are there. They filmed in two separate bars. Both of which are open and can be visited.

The second bucket list for me to travel would be Sicily. The rich landscape and crumbling streets. The food and the bistros. It truly is a wish for me. If only I could close my eyes and be there and not get on the plane. I just think it would be an area that would take me back to that old world. A time of Italian love for food and family. Where you stick together and don’t mess with the Mob lol. Its certainly my kind of atmosphere.

Now that you know I won’t fly heres my “next best thing”. Unfortunately i suffer from Insomnia. Truly I do. I write my blogs at 11 pm or later and post them days out. Sometimes that is when I do my best “thinking” but that’s a different story. At night while my husband is sound asleep, I find myself looking at images of Sicily on Pinterest or the Web. I watch videos of the area and I read about the atmosphere there. I call it armchair traveling. I travel there sitting right here in my home. I explore through photos. It helps me relax and lets me dream. I should probably call it bedtime travel as I’m typically in bed propped up on a ton of pillows while I “travel”. It works for me for now. And will until I can make my phobia go away. Thankfully my husband could sleep through an explosion and it doesn’t bother him lol.

What is your bucket list for traveling? Where have you been lucky enough to visit and where do you want to explore? Thinking about those positive things will make you feel happy. It truly will. One day, when I get past my fear, I may get to mark Boston and Sicily off of my list. But until then, I will just live the dream through my armchair traveling.

P.S. the photos below are how I see Sicily in my dreams. If you’ve traveled there and it doesn’t really look like this, then mind your business lol. Don’t crush a girl’s dreams.

Author: bkbailey2016

Wife, mother, blogger, child of God

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