Early To Bed

Well hidey ho neighbors!. Lord what a busy winter but, I’m finally in a slow down period and it’s time to write. I get so busy with the zillion other things that I have to do that I don’t even pick my laptop up for a month. Finally, I sit down and start to type, I realize just how much I’ve missed it. For starters, I hope you each had a wonderful holiday season. We certainly did. It was seasonably warm here in good ole East Tennessee. We didn’t get our first snow until week before last and we ended up with about 6 inches. It was beautiful for a few days but, I’m glad it is now gone. I’m ready for spring. These dark 6:30 pm’s are for the dogs. I feel like I leave my office (which is in my house), cook dinner for my fellas and then I’m ready for bed. I’m sure many others feel the same way.

Do you remember having a bed time when you were little? I don’t remember ever having a “set” time but we were certainly in the bed before 9:30 on school nights and before dads time to watch his “11 o’clock” news on the weekends. We really weren’t even the kind of kids that had to be reminded. My older siblings were 8 and 12 years older than me and I they did have to go to bed as early as my little sister and I. I think our older sister pretty much wanted us out before she came to bed. We all three shared a room. The poor gal never had any privacy. She was stuck with her two little younger sisters in her face lol. We always went to sleep with the radio on. Then as we got older and the older siblings left, we graduated to our own rooms. We then had tv’s in there and I know there was never a night that my tv was not on when I went to sleep. Ti this day I still can go to sleep with the tv on. Until about 10 years ago I still kept it on all night. My son is 21 years old and to this day he sleeps with his tv on. There’s no harm and he always sleeps well so I don’t say a word.

Eleven years ago I met the love of my life. My now husband. We married a year after we started dating and I soon realized that he did not like the TV on at night once he’s ready to sleep lol. Ole grumpy bear will be like “can you turn it down” over and over until its pretty much on mute lol. Then he’ll say “are you still watching that”. That is my que that the light is bothering him and he wants it turned off. Of course I do. Then I turn on my meditation but I use ear buds. Thus why “Early To Bed” is what I do. Pretty much every night I go to bed before my husband. He stays in the living room and watches his programs. It’s his wind down and typically he comes to bed after about an hour or two. Rarely am I ever asleep when he comes to bed so its not like we are ignoring each other. I like to read, he doesn’t. I love Martha Stewart and Bob Ross, he doesn’t. He watches criminal mystery and sports, I don’t lol. So we get our own little wind down time every evening and I think its just wonderful. 

I think as adults we should still have a “bed time”. Now, I know life is busy, especially if you have little ones in sports and all, but, there’s just something about getting in the bed at a descent time and being able to unwind and relax. My sons pediatrician said that it was so important for my sons growth (from body to brain) that he get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. I average maybe 5 to 6 hours but, I do get rest. There is a big difference. 

This early to bed is so much more that “sleep”. Its allowing myself the time that I need in a very hectic day, to rest my mind and body and to care for my mental health. You cant pour from an empty glass. If you are empty you can not be all that you need to be for the others that need you and may depend on you. No one can fill your cup back up except for yourself. Find that time to recharge. Even if it means that you delegate some of your responsibility to others. You are worth it. 

I hope you have the very best night. Happy dreams and here’s to rest and setting a new goal for Early To Bed!

Author: bkbailey2016

Wife, mother, blogger, child of God

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